Day three - Kitarasa. We spent the day working on the site with the students.

At the end of the day, the students showed the team how versatile they were, with various stretches, acrobatics and singing. Ste Bounds was then asked about dance moves and so he showed some moves to the students much to their delight.

Day three - Kyakatara. On the way to school we stopped off at Rweboha Vocational Training Workshop to visit a team of workers.

They were making the shutters for one of the classrooms. We were very impressed with how they constructed the shutters, which were made with local materials. One material used is from the eucalyptus tree which is very fast growing and a sustainable source of timber. At lunch time we videoed the group, followed by interviewing the individual students. When we replayed this to them, they thought it was hilarious to see themselves on screen and really entertaining. Towards end of the day an incredible thunderstorm happened, and unfortunately we had to leave the school early.