WHILE Beechwood residents are not expecting amenity land to look like the Centre Court at Wimbledon, we object to living in what is becoming a scruffy residential area and where the unkempt grass appearance is a total eyesore.

In the spring living here is uplifting, with the colourful spring bulbs and flowering trees making it good for our wellbeing and health.

In summer residents’ gardens are well tended and encourage us to walk around the estate, which is again good for our wellbeing.

However pride in gardens is dimmed by surrounding grasslands.

What is not good for our health is long grass where dogs foul and owners do not dispose of the excrement and hay fever sufferers have their condition heightened.

If the grass and shrubs are not tended to the verges on either side of Beechwood Avenue make conditions for drivers more difficult.

Failure to keep them under control means that they will grow at a prodigious rate and the weeds will also flourish.

In Millersdale Grove there are numerous thistles dotted about on the amenity land where younger children often play.

When these seed there will be even more, not taking into account the seedlings that grow in the adjacent gardens. Weeds mean more weeds.

Will the long term result be that the machinery will be unable to deal with long grass and that manpower hours will have to be increased?

For more than 40 years the estate has been spruce and very well cared for. We won’t let these council cuts escalate as well they might.

We may not be alone but that does not make us accepting but protesting.

Pamela Seabrook
