I AM appalled at the length the grass is being left all over the Brookvale estate.

In places some of the grass is close to 2ft. It makes the estate look really neglected.

It used to be cut regularly and looked lovely. Now it seems as though no-one touches it.

I have noticed the grass being left longer on other estates as well.

You would not buy a house if you saw all the grass verges left with long, untended grass.

Brian Gray


Halton Cllr Ron Hignett, board member for the physical environment, said: “Halton Council’s open spaces has had to make almost £200,000 savings.

“Cutting of amenity grass areas and roadside verges is now scheduled to take place every three weeks, a total of 11 times throughout the season, rather than every two weeks, 17 times a year.

“The height of the cut has a direct bearing on the finished area and needs to be considered in direct relationship to the frequency of the cut.

“There is no normal length or height of grass cut.

“If we cut the grass at a low height over a relatively wide interval we are likely to leave a less desirable finish due to the increased amount of clippings that would arise.”